Our specialities include:
- Workers' Compensation cases - AMPT's unique Workers' Compensation Program can get you back to work faster and save your employer time and frustration - keeping everyone happy and improving job security.
- "Hard to treat" conditions
- Setting the new "Gold Standard" in your community
- Non-invasive, non-surgical pain management
- Working closely with your referral source
- Work Transition Training and Functional Lift Testing
- Exceptional Australian based Manual Physical Therapy clinical skills
- Skilled joint and nerve mobilizations to relevive pain
- Deep soft tissue massage to literally "iorn out" and break up tissue knots that cause pain
- Complex back and neck pain, problems and instabilities
- Chronic Pain Management and Elimination
- Sympathetic disorders - feelings like "Ants crawling on your skin"
- Thoracic outlet syndrome
- Tendinopathies; Postsurgical rehab
- Sports injuries and Performance Enhancement
- Shoulder, elbow and wrist problems
- Hip, knee, ankle and foot issues
- Numbness, tingling and weakness especialy from nerve root compressions or other nerve entrapments
- Headaches - We love them!